May 28, 2011

innovation- 10 Trends to Watch


While our focus firmly remains on emerging consumer trends, we do include a brief overview of current global macro trends. These economic, demographic and political trends (from a changing global financial system to diverse demographics to the war for talent to a multi-polar world) are sourced from leading research firms and institutions, providing you with the context for everything that follows in the database and the 2011 Trend Report.


Equally important, understanding consumer needs, wants and desires is at the core of tracking, understanding and applying consumer trends. Building on Maslow's hierarchy, this brief section is basically a consumer psychology '101', giving you a crucial framework for understanding consumer behavior (in both developed and emerging consumer societies).


A brief overview of the current revolution in business and consumer culture, and the processes, practices and convictions defining the business arena in 2011. We're witnessing the 'perfect storm' that links new generations, emerging markets, ideas about status, environmental concerns, corporate responsibilities and beliefs on what role business should play in society. While a threat to static incumbents, infinite opportunities exist for B2C brands that move with the new societal and cultural realities.


More than ever, corporate giving, sharing and caring in post-recession 2011 will beat taking, so expect lots of new, cutting-edge trend examples for GENERATION G's sub-trends: from EMBEDDED GENEROSITY, BRAND BUTLERS and FREE LOVE, to PERKONOMICS, TRYVERTISING, RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS and REWARD.INC.
Includes 250+ related trend innovations.


Expect the differentiation between 'online' and 'offline' to be irrelevant for younger generations (and plenty of online-loving members of older generations, too). Life is 'online' now as both mobile online access and time spent online continue to explode. This is one trend that never stops, so expect plenty of new material illustrating ONLINE OXYGEN, MASS MINGLING, and OFF = ON at their most powerful in 2011.
Includes 130+ related trend innovations.  


Closely related to DIGITAL DOMINANCE, consumers are embracing 'gamification' in all aspects of their daily lives. Fun and entertaining, games allow players to visualize progress, while satisfying fundamental needs and desires - for reward, status, achievement, self-expression, competition, and altruism. Includes the GAME ON sub-trend.
Includes 50+ related trend innovations.


One of the most impactful themes for 2011, we're diving deep into the endless new services and brands now helping consumers to satisfy their insatiable lust for relevant information, for transparency, for tracking, for mapping, and so on. Includes DIVINE DATA and VISUALOVE.
Includes 120+ related trend innovations.

8. CURATED CONSUMPTION---- Apple computers does this one really well. . .

Faced with today's avalanche of choice and (online) content, curators offer consumers a solution to information overload and choice paralysis. Get ready to help consumers to become curators: from BRAND CURATORS to TWINSUMERS to SOCIAL-LITES.
Includes 60+ related trend innovations.


Consumers’ ingrained lust for instant gratification is being fuelled by the host of novel, innovative, practical and fun real-time products, services and experiences. REAL-TIME includes sub-trends such as NOWISM, PRICING PANDEMONIUM, SEE-HEAR-BUY, and LIVING THE LIVE. Now's the time to embrace the here-and-now in all its splendid chaos, realness and excitement.
Includes 70+ related trend innovations.


In economies that increasingly depend on (and thus value) intangible goods and services, and physical needs become increasingly satisfied, experiences become ever more  valuable. The accumulation of material goods is replaced by preferring OWNER-LESS hassle-free existence - an obsession with the here and now, an ever-shorter satisfaction span (FSTR), and a lust to collect as many experiences and stories as possible. Closely related to NOWISM and HAPPYNOMICS.
Includes 80+ related trend innovations.


While the entire world may be at their fingertips, the vast majority of consumers still live a 'local' life, and happily so. Overlapping many of the other trends, the enduring appeal of all things 'here', from URBAN PRIDE to MADE HERE to LOCALITIED to NICHE NODES, will prove to be an endless source of innovation in 2011.
Includes 160+ related trend innovations.


While, strictly speaking, not a ‘consumer’ trend, design has become such a key concern in the consumer arena and society at large, that it warrants a section in the 2011 Trend Report and database. Expect a to-the-point overview of key design trends and thinking in 2011: from biomimicry to devolved design to data-driven design to crowd-sourced design to beta-design to design simplicity and more.
Includes 70+ related trend innovations.


From BRAND ME to CUSTOMYZED to SIPs (Socially Important People), consumers are embracing (and profiting from) everything that has to do with personal branding and social capital, relishing their elevation to MASTERS OF THE YOUNIVERSE.
Includes 30+ related trend cases and examples.


It's all about collaborative consumption as traditional boundaries between corporations, competitors and customers continue to blur. Brands are teaming up with customers, with designers, with brands from other industries and even with competitors. On top of that, consumers will continue to explore novel ways to form any kind of CROWD EXPRESS, connect P2P, or go down the SELLSUMER lane, joining the business arena not just as collaborators, but as players. While this trend is no longer 'new', the many insights and examples we're adding for 2011 certainly are!
Includes 80+ related trend innovations.


With basic needs satisfied, consuming products, services and experiences with embedded (health or knowledge) benefits becomes a key concern amongst those consumers intent on achieving self-actualization . Learn from sub-trends like EVER-EDUCATING and WELLTHY, as consuming becomes a positive pursuit.
Includes 150+ related trend cases and examples.


From BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID to FUNCTIONALL to EXCEPTIONALL, via URBANY and the GLOBAL BRAIN, the incredible rise of emerging economies (yes, that would be Turkey and China and South Africa and India and Brazil and Vietnam and Indonesia and so on) remains one of the key consumerism stories in 2011. Satisfying the demands of both newly minted middle classes and low(er) income consumers means the avalanche of innovations for and by emerging giants will continue to surprise and delight in the next 12 months.
Includes 110+ related trend innovations.


Some trends are so well-researched and so pervasive that the only thing they're good for is relentless innovation. Think certain demographics, lifestyles, or themes like 'convenience' and 'personalization'. Hence our focus on fun new products and services from around the world, delivering on specific needs and wants. Brace yourselves for the latest and greatest innovations in PINK PROFITS (the Gay & Lesbian market), FEMALE FEVER (female purchasing power), BOOMING BUSINESS (baby boomers), MINISUMERS (infants & kids markets) and more, all waiting to be copied or improved on in 2011!
Includes 300+ related trend innovations.


The 2011 Trend Report and database will continue to bring you the best of the best in brilliant eco-thinking and innovating from around the world. Whether it's ECO-EDUCATION, or ECO-EASY, or ECO-ICONIC, or ECO-SUPERIOR, the sheer amount of smart green innovations leaves you no excuse to not go all out on profitable sustainability.
Includes 210+ related trend innovations.


Last but not least, the section on PARTICIBRANDS is really a roadmap for brands and organizations on how to anticipate and apply all trends highlighted in the 2011 Trend Report. Time to ‘MOVE WITH THE CULTURE' indeed!